Jul 2, 2007

What's up??

This is what's up!!! its the KLPac Sinfonietta's latest concert in conjunction with the HSBC Classics String Festival...a really BIG clear picture up there...hehe. btw, for those blur ppl out there, i'm part of the Sinfonietta. as in, i'm playing too laaa...lol. our performance will be on the 13th and 14th of July...which is a fri and sat night. we'll be playing some cool classical stuff...eg. a Haydn cello concerto, "Pomp and Circumstance March", "Masquerade", "Pizzicato Polka", and "St. Paul's Suite". Dunno what the heck I'm rambling bout?? Come then you'll know!!!! ahahaha...=P for more info just --->>click here<<--- or you could ask me bout it =)

oh yeahh...for those who are interested...there will be workshops and master classes for string players...go check out the website then you'll know. there are other concerts too like a wind quintet and a jazz trio.

Got to run now...will update as soon as some special event/happening/person/story appears to inspire me. lol

Till later--->> Hugz n kisses ^^

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