Nov 28, 2007

Hi there???

Are you still there???


Can you hear me??

*crickets chirping*



*Halo alooo alooooooo....(echoes)*

Guess its my fault


My bad

Now what do I do??

I'm in deep sh*t ain't I??


Nov 25, 2007


A bit of talent
A pinch of inspiration
A drop of goal and dream
The rest is sheer determination

The desire to produce beauty
In every note thats played
The desire to hear bounty
In every bow thats laid

But its my determination
That has to see me through
More than drive to succeed
I need more heart to get me through

So give me more courage
The confidence to achieve
Give me strength of soul and will
And faith so I'll believe

God help me

Nov 17, 2007

well now...what can I say??

life's good

some parts better than I ever imagined

or dreamed

or dared to hope

it makes the other sucky parts of life less sucky

a LOT less I must say

so I'm thankful

there's nothing more I can wish for

oh yeahh...

except to pass my violin exam that is

thats my only wish for now

cuz as for the rest of my dreams

they're all coming true

for real


believe it


I actually can't believe it myself


people ask, "how are you? how's life??"

for ONCE I can say and actually mean it...

"I'm good...and life's great"


Nov 2, 2007


My blogs dying out

Like seriously

My inspiration with it too


But anyway...

I was jz wondering...

Why does everything in life feel like a temporary high??

When nothing ever lasts

And nothing ever satisfies

Not for long enough at least

And when the "high's" gone

All that's left is a gaping hole

An emptiness

Deep inside

Which drives you to look for something more


Anything at all

To fill that void

But nothing ever does



Yes I'm repeating myself I know

Forgive me

I'm emo-ing