Jul 8, 2007

Im so dead tired...

so so so dead tired. So wat am I doing here blogging?? good question. very good question...

Probably cuz my life's a mess. or maybe just some parts of it. nothing is ever what it appears to be rite?? yeap...I'm a living example. or on second thought...its not my life thats in a mess. its just my head. n im sitting here right now to sort my thoughts out. but what am i actually thinking?? i have NO idea. isn't that just FANTASTIC??? *sarcastic*

so yeahh...I'm not stressing...so it can't be that. got nothing in particular to stress about. It cant be friendship problems...kinda got immune to that awhile ago. Its not any RELATIONSHIP problems...the closest thing I have to a boyfriend is my DOG. sad ain't it?? actually its not sad at all...funner being single. anywayz, back to the point. so what is it?? whats making me sit here when I'm so dead tired already? Most probably its the need to sort my thoughts. But what thoughts am I thinking that need to be sorted?? Its so totally muddled up there (in my head) I cant even figure my own thoughts. how lame is that?? so wait....where was I again?? what was my point?? nevermind then...better disappear before I start messin my whole blog up ~n sooo regretting it later~

oh yeah, by the way...this post is a result of 5 hours straight orchestra rehearsals. it totally messes your "upper story" (your head). so dont mind me please...not thinking straight. heck!! i dont think I'm even thinking right now. byyyeeeeee.....

Till I recollect my wits again--->> hugz n kisses

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