Feb 5, 2007

Leave me alone

No, no I can't,

This feeling has to go;
My hearts mine and mine alone,
No way I'm letting it go.

Once beaten twice shy,
Or thrice and maybe more;
There ain't no way, ain't no how,
Bye, bye feelings, go out that door.

Oh boy, its still not leaving,
How do I make it go??
No way I'm going through this again,
Love, love, please leave me alone...

P/s I am NOT in lurveee!!! n dats a msg to all the pat pohs n pat kongs...especially ONE SPECIFIC PAT KONG OUT THERE (you noe who you are la...hehe). i got dis inspiration from sumwhere else...

1 comment:

Jinx said...

it's very song like...totally cool!sorry havent comment until now, been busy with valentine's day..da high's and low's..haha!