Apr 20, 2007

I need something

I need something
To make me complete
There's something missing
Its something I need

Cuz when I'm alone
When silence sets in
When all voices stop
Only whisperings of the wind

That's when I feel it
The emptiness inside
The void of a thousand years
My soul it divides

Is there more to life
Than this empty token?
Like clinging on to a rope
That's about to be broken

Save me! Help me!!
I don't care who at all
The silence it tortures me
Like blows from a wrecking ball

Show me the way
To fill this void
Need I happiness or virtue?
Love or should I avoid?

I don't care how
I don't care who
I need to feel I'm full
Anything at all I'll do

Cuz I need something
To make me complete
There's something missing
No idea what's it that I need

God help me

P/s --->> no worries!! lol...im nt really writing about me

1 comment:

Jinx said...

AWSOME-NESS! although it's WHEN im alone where da voices get louder..rather than stop altogether.