Mar 26, 2007

Who's that girl?

Mirror, mirror
Who's that girl?
Standing before me
Her hair all in curls

Mirror, mirror
That's not me
I don't know her
Who could she be?

There's no way
She is my reflection
It's not possible
Down to the definition

I know I'm different
My heart tells me I am
But I guess it never shows
Its a front for all of them

I'm not hard and tough
Pretty soft on the inside
The Ice Queen is just an act
My heart is breakable in fact

I'm not the person
Everyone thinks I am
Mirror, when will you show
The girl I truly am?

Mirror, mirror
Who's that girl?
Will I ever see
My true self unfurl?


Jinx said... sounds sad, and and like da girls lost all but hope that ppl will see who she really is(u aint dat much of an ice queen either my dear)

~michelle~ said...

haha...i aint toking bout me la my dear. i noe im no ice queen. cud never b even if i TRIED. ahahaha...yea, i guess its kinda sad.

Michelle said...

goodness..u did it better than i did...u!!hahah